* Required fields
Name *
E-mail Address *
Requested Weekend Include Year *
Today's date
Please select which location:
San Diego Scrap Inn: Holds 1-22 guests Open Retreat Day Crop
How did you hear about us?
FULL Address & home phone *
Cell Phone *
Arrival Time
Number of guests who will be joining you :
Emergercy Contact Person
Emergency Contact Number
Whole House Weekend Rental (Fri-Sun) for 2025....$3100.00 for San Diego Scrap Inn for up to 18 guests.
Extra Night - Wednesday...............................$375.00
Extra Night - Thursday...................................$375.00
Midweek Retreat (Mon-Wed) for no more than 18 guests............$2100.00.
Guests 19-22......................................will require the use of the Granny Flat at a weekend rate of $325.00 flat rate for up to an additional 4 ladies.
Open Retreat/ Day Crop
Open Retreat cost is $225.00 for 2025, Thursday to Sunday. In requested weekend box- write in which weekend & year you are interested in. Requires a $50.00 non-refundable deposit at the time of signing up. Balance is due 60 days before retreat. You will be contacted right away to confirm availability. If you need to cancel it MUST be 120 days before event otherwise you are required to pay full balance as it's unfair to us because we can't fill a spot on short notice.) If you have canceled in the past under 60 days, you will be asked to pay FULL payment at the time of signing up. Note: All boxes on registration form with a red* need to be clicked even if they don't apply to Open Retreats- sorry! Day Crop is 12 hours cost is $85.00 and is non-refundable and due in full at the time of signing up.
Personal Message: NOTES
Total Amount *
Cancellation Policy *
I have read and agree to the Cancellation Policy posted on our website under Cancellation Policy. I understand my $300.00 deposit is non-refundable/ $50 for an Open Retreat. And if cancelled under 120 days for groups 50% of you balance is due & non-refundable & 60 days to your event you forfeit 100% of the contracted rate and 100% of your fee is still due. If cancelling for an Open Retreat or Crop under 60 days prior to the event you will be responsible for the full payment or you can sell your spot to someone else but you'll need to let us know and pass on contact information.
Payment Information *
$300 Deposit for whole house rental & $50 Deposit for Open Retreats - Your dates are not guaranteed until we receive your non-refundable deposit. Please send it within 2 weeks of submitting your Registration form. Please make payment out to: San Diego Scrap Inn and mail check to: San Diego Scrap Inn, 1668 Pepper Drive, El Cajon, CA 92021. NOTE: 50% percent of the balance for groups will be DUE up to but no later than 120 days before your event & final balance will be DUE up to and no later than 60 days prior to your check-in date. ALL payments are non-refundable. We don't and never have done refunds. There will be a late fee charge of $20.00 PER WEEK if any of your payments are late. We will do our best to send you a reminder prior to 90 days and 60 days of your event, but you are 100% responsible to make those payments regardless of a reminder.We only accept payments from the Hostess- it's your responsibility to collect from your guests. Also, any NFS checks that bounce and don't clear will come with an additional $100 fee!! The week of your event you will receive an email with the house address, door key code and a welcome letter for whole house rental and other information for Open Retreats. Re-scheduling by emergency only will be a one time ONLY event prior to 120 days of your event & is up to desecration of the owner- Lisa Pritchard.
I agree and hold harmless San Diego Scrap Inn, its owner, and the Property Owners of the premises of San Diego Scrap Inn, from any harm or damage which may occur or may have occurred at a San Diego Scrap Inn Retreat weekend. I understand and agree that San Diego Scrap Inn will not be responsible for any lost or stolen goods. I have read and agree to, the policies listed on the San Diego Scrap Inn website and per this CONTRACT. And ALL guests will be required to sign a Waiver of Release of Liability. Also SDSI is NOT responsible for Covid 19 outbreaks as everyone is an adult and should NOT attend if sick.
Security Deposit Required *
There will be a $300.00 security deposit required only for whole house rental. Payable with your final balance check 45 days prior to your event when final payment is made. The check will be deposited 7 days prior to your event and any refunds will be returned within 7-10 business days if everything is completed per the check out list. (Doesn't apply to Open Retreat Events.) If nothing on checkout sheet is done & you just walk away from the house- you will forfeit your security deposit AND you be charged for each item NOT completed on the check out sheet & you will need to cover ALL court costs to recoup the costs of items NOT done on the checkout sheet!
I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy *